
Symbol namn : Coats of arms of the Holy See and Vatican City
Other names :
Symbol type : Christianity

Links to other symbols

Gold : Color
Silver : Color
X :
Moon : Planets
Sun : Planets
Keys :
Bee hive :
Pentangle - second form :
Crossroad X - intersections :


Symbolizes according to christianity:

Has no real christian explanation!

Symbolizes according to mystery school:

Many believe that the Vatican is a Christian, but this is not the case, but they practice more a pagan version of Christianity. This below is the explanation by the vatican which.

The symbol comprises as an image of two crossed keys and appears in the coats of arms of Popes, Vatican City State and Holy See. It represents the metaphorical keys to the office of St. Peter or the keys to the kingdom of Heaven which were promised by Jesus Christ to Saint Peter, along with the power to take binding actions.

The Keys of St. Peter symbol is found frequently in the Christian art. A number of Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic paintings and other artwork have depicted Saint Peter holding a key or set of keys. Even St. Peters Basilica has an almost key-shaped layout, which is also suggestive of the keys of heaven that Christ entrusted to Saint Peter. From the sixteenth century onwards, a symbolic pair of keys is made for each pope and it is buried with him on his death.

The symbol is associated with the Vatican but also has an occult meaning like several other symbols and buildings in the Vatican. These are not Christians and should not be in a church.

In the symbol, you see at the top a crown that is a little too high, which symbolize a beehive. Then you have two keys that cross each other in an X. This symbol actually has 5 X two in each key one in the key itself and in its handle. Then there is a small cross in the middle that connects the keys. These symbolize a pentagram that also does not belong within the symbols of the church.

The crown, which is a beehive that symbolizes the collective humanity of those who have been deceived into Lucifer's religion. Unfortunately, the Vatican has many similar occult symbolism where St. Peter's Basilica is a beehive.

The crossed keys symbol was earlier associated with the Roman God Janus and the primordial deity Zurvac, who were both gods of time, remover of obstacles and keepers of doorways.

The keys symbolize man and woman and that they can be seen in the symbol are connected and it is something that those who practice the mystery school believe that both man and woman have the same amount of female and male, then I do not talk about the physical but more in spiritual thought or the next step in what they believe evolution will lead to.

The secret to unlocking the esoteric meaning of the cross keys is their opposing colours: gold and silver. This is actually a disguise for the sun (gold) and moon (silver) which appears predominantly throughout alchemical symbolism.

The symbolic meaning of the sun and moon is male and female respectively, so crossing of the keys demonstrates the union of two opposites. When man and woman are joined together in matrimonial union, the unit is said to be complete.

We all have a male and female aspect of our personalities. When we learn to balance masculine and feminine qualities we are complete.

Furthermore, the sexual union between male and female can result in the creation of a child – the key word here being creation. This is also another concept that is rife throughout symbolism all over the world.

The sun and consciousness

In esoteric symbolism, the sun means – the meaning I want to talk about – Enlightenment.

The sun lights the world, it gives us life, it illuminates. Wisdom illuminates the minds of men. Wisdom comes from knowledge and understanding, knowledge and understanding is consciousness.

So essentially, the sun represents the cognitive behaviour of the mind and our resulting understanding of our experience.

There are eight levels of consciousness, but lets concentrate on the first four – the earthly four we can achieve as mortal human beings. (We can achieve levels of consciousness beyond the principle four, but that would require too much explanation and it is so fantastical you wouldnt believe me anyway).

The moon and emotions

In alchemical symbolism, the moon represents female energy, and more specifically emotions. Male energy is the sun = the mind because men are noted for the ability to be analytical.

Women understand love, caring and nurturing which is reflected by the moon – the opposite celestial object we see in the sky, one in the day, the other at night. In the case of the silver key, emotion is Earth – which needs cultivating and nurturing.

So lets go back to the concept of male and female union in relation to thoughts and emotions. When we combine analytical thinking with emotion we create. But we always create something, both good and bad.

But note how the keys are crossed symmetrically. This indicates the need for balance. When we create by using a balance of analytical thought and nurture those ideas with positive emotions, we create the perfect outcome: the child.

The origins of the Cross Keys symbolism

The crossed keys are said to be the Keys to Heaven, the Truth for that which we seek. In Masonry, the keys are said to unlock the doors of Solomons Temple. Kings Solomon Temple is an analogy which refers to understanding the wisdom of the Universe.

The story of King Solomon in the Bible goes like this: God asks Solomon for one wish. King Solomon says he wants to understand his people. God is so pleased by the Kings selfless wish that he grants him all the wisdom in the world.

So the keys are to unlock the secrets of our thoughts and emotions. They are crossed to indicate the need for balance. And when we can master our thoughts and emotions and bring them into balance we unlock the doors to the Universe and all the wisdom contained in nature.

We are nature. Our purpose on Earth is to understand our True Nature. Learn how to use the crossed keys.


The symbol of the Crossed Keys originates from the earliest days of the Illuminatis establishment, and thus our history has caused it to take on a variety of clandestine meanings — some of which remain secret to this day. In some pieces of illuminated art, the meaning of the Crossed Keys can change based on the color of the metal that is used in its depiction.

The Crossed Keys emblem can be seen in an illuminated circle of the Illuminatis Eternal Oath.

As a citizen rises through the levels of Illuminati initiation, they are introduced to the evolving meanings that hide behind the image of the Crossed Keys. Some of the publicly available definitions include:

Loyalty To The Oaths

A steel vault is locked with a key to protect its precious contents from outsiders who would seek to destroy it. In this same way, ranking members of the Illuminati are bound by oaths that require absolute secrecy and discretion, in order to protect the goals of our organization from warmongers who would stifle the progress of humanitys approaching age of peace. The Crossed Keys stand as a reminder of a members promise to guard the treasures of knowledge that have been entrusted to them.

Marriage Bond

In later Illuminati symbolism, the Crossed Keys were occasionally used to represent a marriage. When both keys are identical, each person in a partnership has equal ownership of the shared home. It represents the importance of a marriage union that is built on a foundation of mutual respect.

Keys To Heaven And Earth

Some medieval practices believed that the Crossed Keys represent the authority of kings and pontiffs to command the Earth and the Heavens. But in Illuminati beliefs, the power over Earth and Heaven — over this life and the unknown that follows — rests in the hands of each individual human. Our beliefs dictate that a humans future is determined by their own choices and decisions. In this way, the Crossed Keys represent every humans hidden power over the direction of their lives and their ability to control their own destiny.

As the description below saw the key in gold the key to the “golden gate” In the silver key to the “silver gate2 so this symbol has a deeper meaning that does not belong in Christianity.

The Golden Gate is the ecliptic Milky Way crossing at the Scorpio-Sagittarius nexus on the zodiac while the Silver Gate is the Milky Way ecliptic crossing at the Gemini-Taurus nexus. The Silver Gate was represented by the horns of Isis and the associated bull Taurus

Since the Greek inherited much of their wisdom from the Egyptians, its more than reasonable to suspect that the gate or portal mentioned in the Book of the Gates through which the pharaoh enters the Netherworld is, in fact, the Gate of God that the Greek writer Macrobius writes about. The Gate of God was also called the Golden Gate, while the Gate of Men was called the Silver Gate. The very same Egyptian cross symbolism used by the pharaohs associated with the Golden and Silver gates of the soul (and the Sun) can still be recognized in the coat of arms of the Vatican, consisting of two crossed keys, one Golden, one Silver.